Surveillance of bloodstream infections in Belgian Hospitals
Sciensano – Rapport 2023. (2022)
Hospital-associated bloodstream infections (HABSI) cause considerable morbidity and mortality and have an important potential for prevention, especially for those HABSI associated with invasive devices (1–5). In Belgium, a national hospital-wide surveillance system for HABSI exists since 1992 (6).
The objective of the surveillance programme on HABSI in Belgian hospitals is to enhance the quality of care provided at the hospital by:
• monitoring HABSI trends, with a focus on BSI that can be prevented, at hospital and national level with the objective to enhance and evaluate preventive measures,
• monitoring causal microorganisms and their resistance profile.
The surveillance programme on HABSI in Belgian hospitals provides a standardized tool to (1) allow hospitals to follow-up their own HABSI and associated antimicrobial resistance trends at hospital and intensive care unit (ICU) level, and to (2) analyse data at national level.
Participation in the surveillance for a minimum of one quarter a year is legally required since 1 July 20142.The surveillance protocol has been reviewed and considerably updated and changed in 2013. This updated protocol aimed to focus on the usefulness of the surveillance as a tool for prevention of HABSI at hospital level.
This report describes trends in incidences of HABSI, causal microorganisms (MO), and their antimicrobial resistance profile until 2022 and provides a more detailed description of the 2022 BSI data. The descriptive report describes the results of a selection of main indicators for this surveillance. The statistical report includes exhaustive indicators, while the annexes show results on additional indicators including those stratified by region and hospital type..
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